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   1 you really must watch out ... About 1 day in 5 is critical.   In addition to plotting your    cycles, the companion program   finds 
   1 times may be impaired.        
   1 three million miles without an accident ...         There are three known cycles:     
   1 take great careYou can ask the program when a  certain condition will exist.   Conditions are written in the   normal mathematical way:        
   1 o;" is ";b$
   1 not equal,< less than The value from -100 to +100     
   1 n;"  ";g$(n)
   1 m$(v)-(v=g
   1 m$(v)-(v=2
   1 m$(v)+(v=g
   1 m$(v)+(v=2
   1 k$(n)=k$(n+2
   1 j;"Physical cycle:";p
   1 j;"Physical cycle:     ";p
   1 j$(s)=j$(s,
   1 is critical. Your reaction    
   1 h;"Intellectual cycle:";i
   1 h;"Intellectual cycle: ";i
   1 h,o;"HIGH";
   1 h$(k)="P")+(e
   1 h$(k)="I"))/10
   1 h$(k)="I")
   1 h$(k)="E")+(i
   1 h$(k)="E")+(200
   1 g;"not found"
   1 g;"found at",n$''
   1 g;"birthday";
   1 g;"Emotional cycle:";e
   1 g;"Emotional cycle:    ";e
   1 g+(h$(k)="P")-(h$(k)="I");h$(k)
   1 days.              On these days - especially 2nd &16th January - 
   1 critical     These are the days when         
   1 critical       
   1 biorhythms
   1 any other letter                                
   1 Y key                                               If not, press 
   1 Today your physical biorhythm 
   1 The PHYSICAL CYCLE  lasts 23 days.                    
   1 PHYSICAL      S - Stop using this program ... T - Change "Today's" date.      V - Display the present values      of the cycles.              X - Find which days are 
   1 PHYSICAL      (23 days)     
   1 Intellectual
   1 INTELLECTUAL33 day cycle findsyou mentally alertcreative and able to solve problems.lack ideas & make "stupid" mistakes.On 
   1 INTELLECTUAL      CYCLE graph.                M - Display this description of     commands available to you.  N - Change the condition you are    interested in.              P - Produce the 
   1 I>0                         
   1 I=0                      
   1 I=0                     
   1 I         
   1 Hello. Welcome to this program.                                 It will enable you to find out  your own 
   1 Goodbye.                      k
   1 EMOTIONAL Cycle At its peak you   may be elated and cope easily with  emotional crises. At its low, you   may be depressed. On these days of  you may be        touchy & irritableYou base decisionson emotion.       The 
   1 EMOTIONAL         CYCLE graph                 F - The computer is to find out     when the current condition      next occurs.                I - Produce the 
   1 DRIVE ESPECIALLY CAREFULLY.   In 1969, the first year of use, the company's accident rate     was halved.  In 1973 its driverswent over 
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 CYCLE graphM - Meaning of the commands     N - Set up new conditions       P - 
   1 CYCLE graph    S - Stop                        T - Change "today's" date       V - Display "today's" values    X - Find 
   1 CRITICAL daysyour judgement is unpredictable.    
   1 CRITICAL days Your cycle changessign; your stamina& reactions becomeunpredictable.    You suffer fatiguemake bad decisions
   1 CRITICAL   It peaked after 6 days, fell to critical on day 11, a low after 17 days & critical after 23 daysSince then your physical cycle  has been repeated every 23 days.If you give the computer your   date of birth, it can tell you  your physical point on any day. To summarise, the cycles are:   All have highs, lows and        
   1 CRITICAL    point is around 0.Next: the 28 day  
   1 BIORHYTHMS and a brief explanation of      their "meaning" is given in     the companion program.                                          If you would like a description of the commands in this program,press the 
   1 B         z
   1 ;"not found"
   1 ;"found at",n$''
   1 ;"birthday";
   1 ;"Which command?"
   1 ;"To continue,press any letter."
   1 ;"Press:P-print screen; C-continue"
   1 ;"Have checked for 3 months ahead."
   1 ;"GOODBYE"
   1 ;"Enter today's date (DD/MM/YY)"
   1 ;"Enter date of birth (DD/MM/YY)"
   1 ;"Enter condition                 "
   1 ;"Computer searching ...";
   1 ;"Computer getting to work ..."''"... this may take some time!"
   1 ;"BIORHYTHMS"''
   1 ;"-1---5---10---15---20---25---30-"
   1 ;" is ";b$
   1 ,o;"To continue, press any letter."
   1 ,o;"Have checked for 3 months ahead."
   1 ,o;"Computer searching ...";
   1 ,o;"Computer getting to work ..."''"... this may take some time!"
   1 ,o;"-1---5---10---15---20---25---30-"
   1 '''"Your ";q$;" for";t$'"are: "
   1 ''"Your ";q$;" for ";t$'"are: "
   1 '"Date of birth: ";b$
   1 "row number ";s
   1 "You are ";a;" days old"
   1 "You are ";a;" days old "
   1 "Today's date:  ";t$
   1 "Condition: ";c$''
   1 "   day you feel alertand strong.       Your reactions arequick;you feel fit2.
   1  whenworking plotted from   100 (peak) to -100The 
   1  to be entered   A - All cycles graph            B - Change date of birth        C - Copy to printer             E - 
   1  screen may not be      printed."
   1  points.            All are critical on your day of birth - a condition which does  not occur again for 58 years.   The symbols on this graph are:  
   1  peak      I
   1  of the cycles critical  And now, the computer in action:The computer scans ahead.  It   gives the first occurrence or   says not in the next 3 months   Thank you for working through   this program.  We hope you will enjoy using its companion.      
   1  not critical       P>0     
   1  in the next 30.
   1  for the cycles    Signs: =,
   1  everyindividual affecting his moods  and performance.                They are used in practice by,forexample, a Japanese bus and taxicompany.  Its 700 drivers are   told on appropriate days:       
   1  days and     specified conditions.           Suppose you ask to see your     
   1  days      
   1  cycle positive    To find out about two conditionsenter both linked by:           
   1  cycle critical You can, of course, put in more than two conditions.            P=0
   1  both positive        E=-100
   1  both conditions met     P>0
   1  at rock bottom
   1  aspects are significant.  1.
   1  are       - their implications            - how to understand them.     Its companion program will give you your graphs and details for any day you specify.            Cyclic patterns exist in
   1  and     those of your friends.                                          An introduction to 
   1  Two cycles are 
   1  One cycle is 
   1  CYCLE graph   F - Find condition              I - 
   1  AN INTRODUCTION TO BIORHYTHMSThis program explains briefly:    - what 
   1   either condition met    
   1   INTELLECTUAL  (33 days)     We'll look at each in turn.     First, how to display the cyclesfor the next 32 days.           Today is shown on the left.     Tomorrow is shown as day 1.     The position in 5 days is shown at column number 5, and so on.  On the day you were born, your  physical cycle was 
   1   EMOTIONAL     (28 days)     
   1     You may feel tiredand slow to react.You sleep badly   & take life easy. 3.
   1       A single letter of the alphabet is used to tell your computer   what you want it to do.         A - Produce a graph of all three    cycles.                     B - Tell the computer the date      of birth it is to use.      C - Print out a copy of your TV     screen (if you've a printer)E - Produce the 
   1             CRITICAL
   1                     E=100   
   1                                 a